3rd Level Box

Along with the Chart Toolbar: Standard chart trading pad, Order Escort and DOM the 3rd Level Box can also be used as a trading pad. In order to open the 3rd level box use one of the options:

  1. Select 3rd Level Box by using Main -> New or

The 3rd Level Box window displays the following information:





Indicates the percentage change and absolute change of the day.

Price fields

Dot Day open value Dot Day high value Dot Day low value


Dot Last: latest submitted price Dot Bid: current bid price Dot Ask: current ask price Dot Spread: current difference between ask and bid Dot Size: volumes of the last trade Dot Total: total volume of the current day

Order part(red edging)

If the keyboard or mouse clicks are not sufficient for trading, you can also use the 3rd Level Box to handle via these buttons. Learn more about this functionality in the Chart Toolbar: Standard chart trading pad

Bid/Ask list


Dot Price: is the price at which a transaction took place Dot Size: is the volume executed with the corresponding price Dot Exchange: stock exchange at which the transaction occurred Dot Time: time of transaction

You can utilize the functionalities of the 3rd Level Box with the keyboard or by combining the keyboard keys and mouse clicks. Define the keyboard shortcuts to make your trading more comfortable.

The combination of keyboard keys and mouse clicks offer the following possibilities:

Hot keys


Ctrl + mouse click in the bid list

Stop Sell

Alt + mouse click in the bid list

Limit Buy

Ctrl + mouse click in the ask list

Stop Buy

Alt + mouse click in the ask list

Limit Sell

Orders will be placed at the current price level clicked on with the mouse.

The 3rd Level Box can also be activated together with the chart, making the orders visible in the chart as well. You can alternatively make orders visible on all charts by enabling the Show TradeMarkers on all Charts option in the General/Chart tabs in the Global Configuration.

Last updated