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TradersYard is a free communication platform and social network – where traders from all over the world can meet and exchange trading ideas. TradersYard-Live is our in-house web video conferencing platform, based on our Choop.Chat technology, used for peer2peer (p2p) calls, online conferencing, and webinars which has been in use by many traders for years already. At the moment, professionals who trade for a living are missing in social trading. This is the reason that in the existing social trading communities, the ‘expert traders’ are mostly hobby traders but not trading for their living. TradersYard is changing this!
One of the biggest challenges of private traders is loneliness and being left alone with decisions. There are many traders who are already trying to connect through various social media platforms. The problem with these platforms is, that such networks include people from all walks of life, i.e. it is very difficult to 'find trustful and like-minded people'. TradersYard allows you to connect traders with any trading platform available on the market and allows traders to join virtual trader groups & form trader-teams and exchange trading/investing information with each other. On TradersYard, you can share:
Share tricks and tips
Share codes and scripts
Advise on a potential trade
Connect to a Trading Coach
Or simply just socialize and make friends!
Last updated