Import packages (AddOns)

Entering the package license key:

Along with activating the AgenaTrader software, in the "License Activation" Setup, you can also activate the license key for packages. To do so, you need to select the package name in order to enable the activation box. The "Activate" button activates the license key.

Creating or importing a package:

The setup is located in the main menu bar in the "TOOLS" tab under the category "Packages", followed by Create package or Import package, and the displaying or deleting of already imported packages.

Import package - setup:

Once "Import package" has been selected, AgenaTrader opens a window asking whether a backup has already been created. If this not the case, you should click on cancel and create a backup. If it has, you can continue with "Ok". A new window opens up so that you can select the package file. When you click on Open, the package is automatically imported. This can take several seconds.

Package (AddOn) Name

Download Link



Carsten Umland

DowHow Fibo Pro

Rüdiger Born

Rüdiger Born Professional

Markus Gabel V2

Markus Gabel V3

Gabel DowHow

Market Technique (DowTheory) Standard

Market Technique (DowTheory) Professional

COT Standard

COT Institutional


Location Point

MT ON Live Signal

MT ON Live Signal Pro

Premium Webinar Package

Rimes Range Bar Sniper Package

Relative Currency Strength

Steve Nison's CandleSticks

COT MasterClass

Mobile Notifier

Last updated