TradersYard Social Platform
Through the TradersYard social trading platform, it is possible to share your trading statistics to generate followers and communicate with other traders.
Option TradersYard contains the following settings:
In order to open Chat:
Select Chat by using Main -> TradersYard
Friends list
On the left side please find existing friends list. For better performance please use the search function. Just type a name of your friends in Search area.
Chatting area exists on the right side of the window. In the Chat History window, you may see your communication history. To send a message just type it in Message Input field and click button Send message. In order to send file(s) to another user please click on Send file(s) button-> Choose file on you PC->Send message
Via concept menu user may hide friends/group from list. Hide user/group: allows to hide user/group Show Hidden: allows to show hidden user/group.
Board for Audio/Video/Screen sharing
In order to open sharing board please click on Open board for Audio/Video/Screen sharing button opposite to your friend’s name in Friends list section
In the open window, you may see chat area with additional settings. Near your friend’s name, there is the Status indicator which means connections status (if red it means friend is offline). To start sharing it’s necessary to click Call button. You may start sharing after your friend approved your call.
On the right-hand side of the window the ActionBar is located:
Click Screen button to start screen sharing.
Click Webcam button to start video sharing
Click Audio button to start audio sharing
Click Settings button to set sharing settings.
Audio sharing settings
In order to set your microphone settings select Settings-> Choose mic & speaker
Screen sharing settings
In order to set your Screen sharing setting please select Settings-> Screen sharing
Webcam sharing settings
In order to set your Webcam sharing setting please select Settings-> Webcam sharing
Source: allows to choose available webcam from the list.
Show my streams
Display users webcam/screen streams.
Important! During stream session, user should not switch his workspace. In another case stream would be stopped.
Shared Data
TradersYard Shared Data function allows you to post charts on TradersYard platform, in order to share with friends and followers your chart analysis and trading results.
Important! TradersYard Shared Data enable only for user sign in TradersYard and participate at least in one Group. User role in the group should be higher than listener. Find details on Group page.
To start sharing please use the context menu inside the chart.
Shared data (except Share Chart and Share Chart Group) would be stored in Shared Data:
In order to open Shared Data:
Select Shared Data by using Main -> TradersYard
Shared Data tab consist of scanner and chart group.
Shared Date Scanner has additional fields (Please find details about scanner - link)
Trading setups: display information about setups shared by user (available when you share simple and AgenaTrader ++ setups)
Chart Analysis: display information about chart analysis shared by the user.
Share Trading Setup at TradersYard
With this function, users are able to share simple setup (link on Chart trading)
In order to share Setup please follow these steps:
Place order you want to share
Open context menu on a chart.
Select TradersYard Social Trading-> Share Trading Setup at TradersYard-> “Group or Webinar Name”
After in TradersYard Shared Data your setup will be visible for groupmates or webinar participants.
Share setup available for users with a specific role in the group:
Owner: Can share/receive setup Executive: Can share/receive setup Presenter: Can share/receive setup
Trader: Can share/receive setup PreTrader: Can only receive setup Listener: Can only receive setup
Share Trading AgenaTrader++ Setup at TradersYard
With this function, users are able to share AT++ setup (link on Chart trading)
In order to share AT++ Setup please follow these steps:
Place AT++ Setup order you want to share
Open the context menu on a chart.
Select TradersYard Social Trading-> Share Trading AgenaTrader Setup at TradersYard-> “Group or Webinar Name”
After in TradersYard Shared Data your setup will be visible for groupmates or webinar participants.
Share AT++ setup available for users with a specific role in the group:
Owner: Can share/receive AT++ setup Executive: Can share/receive AT++ setup Presenter: Can share/receive AT++ setup
Trader: Can share/receive AT++ setup PreTrader: Can only receive AT++ setup Listener: Can only receive AT++ setup
Share Trading Analysis at TradersYard
This function allows user to share chart analysis with drawings
In order to share Analysis please follow these steps:
Open the context menu on a chart.
Select TradersYard Social Trading-> Share Chart Analysis at TradersYard-> “Group or Webinar Name”
Share Trading Chart at TradersYard
This function allows the user to share single chart.
In order to share chart please follow these steps:
Open the context menu on a chart.
Select TradersYard Social Trading-> Share Chart at TradersYard
In open diaolog fill all forms and click button Publish:
Channel: Select group, webinar or your account from the list where your chart picture would be published.
Message: Type description of your picture.
Picture: Shows the picture in the preview mode, which will be posted on TradersYard account (group or channel)
Share Trading Chart Group at TradersYard
This function allows the user to share chart group.
In order to share chart group please follow these steps:
Open the context menu on a chart.
Select TradersYard Social Trading-> Share Chart Group at TradersYard
In open diaolog fill all forms and click button Publish:
Channel: Select group, webinar or your account from the list where your chart picture would be published.
Message: Type description of your picture.
Picture: Shows the picture in the preview mode, which will be posted on TradersYard account (group or channel)
Important! Please find details about sharing in Facebook and Twitter on Chart Context Menu: TradersYard Social Trading page
Create Groups
User can create Groups where he can share his ideas and communicate with group mates
In order to create group please follow these steps:
Login to page.
Go to Group and click Create button:
On the left side of windows the additional buttons exist:
All: means you can view all groups
My: view only groups you participate
Own: view only your own groups
Create: create the new group.
In open dialog please fill all forms and click Create button:
Name: Type name of your Group
Category: Select category for your group
Privacy: Choose privacy for your group (Public: means all users can join your group; Private: means the only owner has right to invite people to join the group; Protected: means group participants can invite users)
Description: Type description of your Group.
Open Groups through Agenatrader
In order to open Groups:
Select Groups by using Main -> TradersYard
Important! To use Group user should be registered on
The Groups tab contains all groups you participate (or) in:
Name | Meaning |
Logo | Display group logo |
Name | Name of the group |
Description | Main information about group |
Category | Indicates group category |
Privacy | Indicates group privacy |
Member | Display quantity of group participants |
Likes | Demonstrate how many members like this group |
The Context menu of the Group list includes the following options:
Open Webinar Board: allows to open webinar board (can also be done by double click)
Open in Browser: allow to open group in browser
Refresh: refresh group list
Webinar Board Actionbar include several additional features.
Participants Via ActionBar you can watch all webinar participants and manage their roles (in case you are group owner). Left click on Participants button. Open dialog display all participants their role and rights:
Through the context menu, the owner can define role for each user. Every role has their own rights.
Mute: allows to mute/unmute user.
Listener: allows only Chat sharing. Can only consume: Video, Desktop, Chat, Analysis. Don’t see participant list.
Owner: Group Owner. Can use Chat, Video, Desktop, Chat, Analysis sharing. Has right to change all roles and approve PreTrader sharing.
Presenter: Group Presenter. Can use Chat, Video, Desktop, Chat, Analysis sharing. Has rights to change roles (except admin roles) and approve PreTrader sharing.
Executive: Moderator. Can use Chat, Video, Desktop, Chat, Analysis sharing. Has rights to change roles (except admin roles) and approve PreTrader sharing.
Trader: Can use Chat, Video, Desktop, Chat, Analysis sharing. See participant list.
PreTrader: Can use Chat. Video, Desktop, Chat, Analysis sharing only in accordance with Presenter. See participant list.
Reset Role to Default: Allows to reset user role, available only for administrative roles: Owner, Presente, Executive
How to join webinar
In order to open Webinars:
Select Webinars by using Main -> TradersYard
The Webinar tab contains all active and inactive webinars:
Name | Meaning |
Photo | Display webinar logo |
Name | Name of Webinar |
Host | Display webinar creator |
Description | Main information about webinar |
Status | Indicates status of webinar |
Beginning AT | Start date |
Duration | Length of webinar |
Participants | Display quantity of webinar participants |
Likes | Demonstrate how many participants like this webinar |
Open | If open you can join the webinar |
The Context menu of the order list includes the following options:
Open in Browser: Allows user to open Webinar in browser.
Show All Webinars: display all webinars
Show Upcoming Webinars: display only upcoming webinars
Show Closed Webinars: display only closed webinars
Show Own Webinars: display only your own webinars
Refresh: refresh list of webinars
Webinar Board
In order to open Webinar Board please use one of the following ways:
Click Open URL in the Open column.
Through the context menu by clicking Open Webinar Board (or Open in Browser)
Webinar Board contains sharing window (where Screen/video/audio dipslayed) and Actionbar on the right side (is very similar to Board for Audio/Video/Screen sharing window in Chat section.
Webinar Board Actionbar include several additional features.
The user has the ability to transfer his question directly to the mentor:
In order to send the question please follow these steps:
Click Questions button on an ActionBar. In open dialog (there you can see public questions)
Open context menu and choose New Question option. In Create Question dialog just type your question and click button Create.
Activate checkbox Allow to be this question publicity visible if you want to make your question visible for other users.
In addition, the user can cancel created question. In Questions dialog right click on selected question and choose option Cancel Question
The user has the ability to communicate with other participants through the Chating area.
Create webinar
In order to create webinar please follow these steps:
Visit page.
In open dialog fill all forms and click button Create:
Name: Type name of your webinar
Start time: Enter webinar Start Date
End time: Enter webinar End Date
Description: Type description of your webinar
Languages: Choose language for your webinar (Now available only the languages: English, German, Russian).
After your webinar will be available in Webinar tab:
In open dialog please click Yes button:
Be careful if you stop webinar you can't run again in current session.
Via ActionBar you can watch all webinar participants and manage their roles.
Left click on Participants button. Open dialog display all participants their role and rights:
Through the context menu user can define role and rights for each user:
Mute: allows to mute/unmute user.
Role: you can define roles for each user (Listener, Owner, Presenter) or reset it default via Reset Role to Default. Only users with Owner right are able to stop webinar.
Audio: enable Audio sharing for each user
Video sharing (Webcam): enable Video sharing for each user
Screen sharing: enable Video sharing for each user
Questions: enable Question function for each user
Chat: enable Chat function for each user
You can also define role and right through the participant actionbar:
Invite friends
In order to invite your friends please follow these steps:
Visit page.
Go to Webinar tab and choose webinar from the list
In Webinar board click button Invite
In open dialog select group (My Friends, My Group or Members of My Groups). After select user and click Invite button. This user will get Invitation.
Please find details on Global Configuration: TradersYard category article
TradersYard Web
Select TradersYard Web by using Main -> TradersYard
After TradersYard Web the main page will be opened in your browser
How to Whitelist TY on VPS server
To use social platform via Internet Explorer, the user should add the web page to trusted sites. In another case, IE will block access to the web page.
In order to add to Internet Explorer white list please follow these steps:
Open IE and type in search field and press “Enter” keyboard:
Security Alert popup will apper. Activate checkbox “In the future, do not show this warning” and click “OK” button
After IE content blocked warning popup appear. To add to whitelist please click “Add” button
In Trusted sites popup please type to the input field and click Add button.
Now you are able to visit page. Just enter your credential and click “Login” button
Last updated