Scanner Settings

Scanner Toolbar

The scanner toolbar permits quick access to the most important scanner functionalities and is highly customizable. Left click on the toolbar options and select Add / Remove commands to select the icons you wish to be displayed within the toolbar.

Scanner context menu

To bring up the context menu, right click within the scanner interface.

The context menu can be reached from the watch list or a list chart group.

The image below shows the context menu options and several additional choices for a list chart group (marked in red).


This function allows you to increase or decrease scanner size.

You may fully hide scanner just left mouse click on splitter bar:

Add Analyzer

This function allows adding Analyzer session column to Scanner.

The Analyzer definitions popup allows you to input the following parameters:

  • Name: If you have several AnalyzerColumn columns within the scanner, we recommend that you change the header text so that the signals and the corresponding time frame can be recognized immediately.

  • TimeFrame: Input the time frame in which signals should be scanned for;

  • Session: Choose between the available layers that have been determined in the Setup Builder as analyzer sessions.

Important! Please find details about Analyzer on pages Setup Builder: Analyzer Column and Setup Builder: Analyzer sessions

Remove Analyzer

This function allows the user to remove Analyzer column from the Scanner.

Click on Remove Analyzer button and choose column you want to delete from the list:

Important! Please find details about Analyzer on pages Setup Builder: Analyzer Column and Setup Builder: Analyzer sessions


Agenatrader allows you to reload whole scanner or the single column: Reload and Reload 'field_name'

Enter Set Refresh Interval in milliseconds up to 10000 by which you wish to refresh scanner columns (Ask/Bid, etc):

In addition, the user can edit self-scripted indicators and conditions (they should be added to the scanner columns ) through the context menu by using Edit function:

Edit Columns

Right click on the scanner column and select the Edit columns option to bring up the scanner columns editor and manage columns i.e. their settings.

Scanner columns editor

The scanner columns editor allows you to add (or remove) a variety of columns to (from) the scanner.

The selection tree (top left) allows you to insert different columns and includes the following:




Refers to the real time data such as bid, ask, time, volume etc.


Includes standard indicators


Includes complex signal combinations of indicators created within the Signal Builder

Scripted conditions

Includes self-programmed signals


Includes self-programmed indicators


Shows the setups defined within the Setup Builder (only available in AgenaTrader++, Andromeda and higher versions)

Quick Chart

Displays the last ticks for a specific instrument


Lets you stop current scanning for the selected value

Double-clicking or clicking the New button will add components to the column list (bottom left). Left clicking the Remove button will remove them.

If you left click on a component from the column list, the parameter box (on the right side) will display the associated settings. Click the Apply button to apply the components and their settings to the scanner or the OK button to apply the components to the scanner and close the editor.

If you wish to revert all unconfirmed changes and close the column editor window click the Cancel button.

Parameter box

The parameter box allows you to define different scanner (i.e. watch list) column parameters.

Parameter settings are grouped by several categories:

  • General:

    • Indicator Name: symbol for the indicator.

    • Bars required: the number of historical periods (bars) required for the correct.

    • Back color: background color of the column .

    • Font: font type.

    • Relative column width: column width changes.

    • Decimal places: number of decimal points.

    • Caption: column headings.

    • Input Price Type: data series (high, low, close, open) for calculation of a component .

    • Calculate On Bar Close: if set to "true" then the component will be calculated upon closing of each bar (period). Warning! If "CalculateOnBarClose" is set to 'false' then re-calculation will occur on every tick. This can result in speed (performance) problems for the entire application!

    • Time frame:

      • Periodicity: defines the interval type (seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months)

      • Value: defines the length of the interval (e.g. 5 min.).

    • Vertical grid lines: applicable for the chart but not for the scanner.

    • Displacement: applicable for the chart but not for the scanner.

  • Input & Output:

    • Input: only pertains to the data series based on which the indicator is calculated. The standard setting is "close", i.e. the indicator will be calculated based on the closing prices of the corresponding period.

    • Series or Output Value: allows you to assign e.g. either the "D" or "K" value for stochastic indicators displayed in the scanner column.

  • Parameters: displays specific indicator settings. Please view the corresponding indicator description for more information.

  • Ranges: shows relevant threshold values (upper, lower, zero lines) for the oscillators.

    • Lower: this is usually the line that refers to the indicators in the oversold position.

    • Upper: this is usually the line that refers to the indicators in the overbought position.

    • Zero line: some indicators bounce around the zero line in a positive/negative area.

  • Special: allows you to perform very simple scanning for indicators.

    • Cross Above Upper: crosses the upper line from below

    • Is Above Upper: the oscillator is above the upper line

    • Cross Below Upper: crosses the upper line from above (can sometimes be considered a "bear" signal)

    • Cross Below Lower: crosses the lower line from above

    • Is Below Lower: the oscillator is below the lower line

    • Cross Above Lower: crosses the lower line from below (can sometimes be considered a "bull" signal)

    • Is Above: the zero line oscillator is above the zero line

    • Cross Above: the zero line is crossed bottom-up

    • Cross Below: the zero line is crossed top-down

    • Is Below: the zero line oscillator is below the zero line

Despite the fact that some indicators displayed on the chart (SMA, EMA) do not have threshold values, you may still input the same scanning criteria for them as for zero line oscillators. The indicator line will then be viewed as the zero line and a price will represent the oscillating value. The image below illustrates this: The color red has been selected for the Bollinger ribbon indicator for the Is Above Upper option. As soon as the closing price of the currency pairs crosses above the upper Bollinger ribbon, the corresponding instrument cells will turn red.

Open Linked Chart or Chartgroup

Select the Open linked chart menu item to open the chart dialog and create a single chart.

After defining all parameters, click the OK button to confirm them.

Show Fundamentals from Yahoo

This feature provides access to Instrument News from Yahoo Finance website without needing to open a browser.

Open tab automatically searches news about the instrument you use. In addition, the user can navigate through the Yahoo finance pages without using the browser.

Start strategy

The scanner context menu allows you to start a strategy for selected instruments. To do so, right click on one or multiple market rows and choose the Start Strategy menu item.

Once selected, the following strategies dialog window will appear:

Select the desired strategy within this window and click either the OK or the Apply button. You can find the list of active strategies in the Strategy manager tab.

Further information is available in the Chart Toolbar: Strategies section.

Add or remove instrument(s)

Add instruments

Left click the Add Instruments menu item to open the Instrument Editor popup and select an instrument list or single instrument. The chosen instrument list or instrument will be attached to already existing instruments within the scanner.

If the selected list contains instruments already included in the scanner, these instruments will be ignored, since duplicate entries cannot be created.

Remove instrument

In order to delete an instrument from the scanner:

  • Select a row with the instrument name,

  • right click on it to open the context menu (the row will be highlighted in blue),

  • select the Remove instrument option.

Remove all instruments

  • Select any row with the instrument name,

  • right click to open the context menu,

  • select the Remove all instruments option.

Copy to instrument list

The context menu option Copy to Instrument List offers two possibilities:

  • Instrument Lists: shows all available instrument lists within the submenu. Here you can select the list into which the instrument should be copied.

  • New: opens the Instrument Editor and creates a <New List> for selected multiple rows in the scanner. If only one row is selected, all instruments will be placed into the <New List> within the Instrument Editor.

Reload instrument lists

It is necessary to distinguish between scanner lists and instrument lists. If you add a new instrument to an instrument list, it will not automatically be displayed in the scanner. You will only be able to see it after reloading the scanner.

AgenaTrader allows you to reload multiple instrument lists using the Reload Instrument Lists option in the context menu. After reloading, current information will be saved to the appropriate scanner.

This option makes the most sense when you need to fetch the current values for a static, dynamic instrument list or one of the Preset scanner lists. In addition Authomatically Reload Instruments Lists function allows you to reload instrument list authomatically.

Move to next expiry (Futures only)

This menu function only becomes available for the futures contract.

The function allows the user to move expiration date of a futures contract in ascending order. You can find additional information about expiry function in Instrument Editor: Futures contract rollover

Assign AnalyzerSession

The Assign Analyzer session menu function only becomes available when at least one Analyzer Column column is attached to the scanner.

Right click in this column to bring up the context menu, then choose between the available layers determined by you as analyzer sessions in the Setup Builder.

Signal Direction

The Signal Direction menu function only becomes available when at least one Setup Builder: Analyzer Column is attached to the scanner.

Right-click in this column to bring up the context menu, then choose between Signal directions you want to display in Analyzer Column column.

  • Both Directions: Analyzer Column column would display both direction signals.

  • Long Only: Analyzer Column column would display only long direction signals.

  • Short Only: Analyzer Column column would display only short direction signals.

Sort interval

The sort interval function allows you to define how often AgenaTrader will automatically sort your signals in the Analyzer Column columns. In order to tell AgenaTrader how you want these signals sorted, you must initially manually sort the Analyzer Column column as you wish to have it by clicking the title bar. You only need to carry this out once, but this function will not work if you do not sort the column manually first.

Now proceed to left click the title bar of the column that you wish to sort, and the Sort Interval function will become available.

Enter the time interval in seconds by which you wish to sort the selected column. For example, a 5 sec. interval means that sorting will take place every 5 seconds.

Enable Sound Alerts

This functionality makes it possible for you to be notified of signals or events that occur. When you activate (or deactivate) the Enable Sound Alerts option, it will be applied to the entire watch list or list chart group.

To assign a sound to specific entry signals, select Setup Builder -> Parameter tab-> Choose entry escort from the list-> SignalSound.

Please find details here

You can also customize sound settings not only for specific indicators but also for the Analyzer Column columns.

Example. Indicators

Right click within the scanner/list chart group to access the context menu, then select the Edit columns option.

For indicators such as Bollinger bands you can set the sound in the special section. The image below shows how you can manage different crossovers between the price and the indicator.

Export to MS Excel

Selecting the Export to MS Excel option from the context menu will export the scanner list into a CSV file.

Scanner Templates

AgenaTrader allows you to apply the saved settings to a new scanner using scanner templates.

When saving a scanner template, the following settings will be stored:

  • columns inside the chart

  • your current settings (background color, indicator parameters, etc.)

However, the list of instruments from the scanner will not be saved.

To load a scanner template, right click on a scanner column and then select the Scanner Templates -> Load submenu.

Once selected, the following popup window will appear:

You can select available templates from the drop-down list.


Agenatrader allows you to reload whole scanner or the single column: Reload and Reload 'field_name'

Enter Set Refresh Interval in milliseconds up to 10000 by which you wish to refresh scanner columns (Ask/Bid, etc):

In addition, the user can edit self-scripted indicators and conditions (they should be added to the scanner columns ) through the context menu by using Edit function:

Scanner for a list chart group

The scanner for a list chart group is linked to the associated charts. This means that charts will be created and displayed in correspondence with entries made in scanner.

The scanner context menu allows the following entry possibilities:

  • Save/Print: prints or saves the chart group of the instrument currently selected or in use.

  • Chart Group: contains the following range of functions:

  • Mark Item: allows you to mark/color a symbol.

  • Reset Marked Item: here you can undo a symbol's marking.

Last updated