Watch lists
Opening of the watch list
In order to open a watch list use one of the options:
Select Watch by using Main -> New or
The watch list and the scanner fulfill the same functions in the list chart group.
Right click and select the Add Instruments option to add new instruments or a new instrument list using the Reload Instrument List menu item.
You can manually add instrument symbols to the symbol column. A simple left click in the column beneath the last instrument will allow you to type in the symbol name. In addition to this, the instruments/symbols can be rearranged using the intuitive drag & drop functionality.
Press the Delete button on the keyboard to delete the entry.
By righ-clicking on the header of a column you can access the option "Edit Columns" and add a column to your Watchlist.
In the following screenshot you can choose information, indicators and conditions to be displayed as a column. You can display detailled information for an instrument by adding Information->InstrumentProperty with a double click on it. Now you can set this to a big amount of different information as for example TradingHours, ExpiryDate (Futures), Margin, Point Value, Sectors, etc.
Application Instructions
To link the watch list to a single chart group:
right click within the Watch tab and
select the Open Linked ChartGroup menu item
Once linked, the Watch tab and Trade tab will be colored green. In this way you can freely link the scanner from the LCG list chart group = watch list to any chart.
Last updated