Increasing risk: widening the stops
Increasing the risk by widening the range between the stop and initial order. If you manually move the stop away from the initial order within the AT++ plusplus setup, you will receive a popup alerting you to the increase of risk.
The popup will present the the following options:
Set back to initial risk: select this if the stop was moved by accident and you wish to return to the previous settings.
Set new initial risk: sets the newly selected stop price as the new initial risk.
Set new initial risk and halt the stop methods: sets the newly selected stop price as the new initial risk, but also locks the stop level in order to prevent further changes (activates the Halt box in the Order Escort).
The following image shows the widening of the range between the stop and initial order:
Based on several requests from customers, we have now added the optional function to no longer have this window displayed.
When this window is opened, you can now directly activate the checkbox “Don’t show anymore” in order to disable this risk message in the future.
It is also possible for you to deactivate the message in advance in the Global Configuration.
Last updated