Portfolio Mixer

The Portfolio Mixer is an analysis tool to display total winnings or losses for a specific time period of a selected instrument list with one or more instruments (securities).





Starting date, it represents the trade entries of the portfolio.


Exit date, it represents the trade exit of the portfolio (only if "Realtime mode is deactivated).


Interval of the Periodicity (e.g. 1 min, 1 hour, ...) The chart will be displayed in this time frame.


Choose between min, hours, days, etc. The chart will be displayed in this time frame.

Show Single Equities

The Equity curve will display each instrument (security) in a single curve. On top of the Equity curve the name of each instrument will be displayed and it's total winnings or losses.

Show Account Equities

The Equity curve will display only one curve of all the instruments (securities) combined. On top of the Equity curve the name of the total account and it's winnings and losses are displayed.

Buying Power

Buying power of the account portfolio

Realtime mode

If the checkbox has been checked the Exit date is the current date and time.

Instrument List

The instrument list which contains the instruments (securities) to be shown in the portfolio mixer. Please note that only instrument lists can be used with the portfolio mixer. It is possible to add instruments simply by typing in the new symbol name on the bottom row of the list. Learn more about how to create instrument lists in the section Creating and managing instrument lists

Chart Template

Select a chart template for chart representation.

Instrument List shows the following information:




Instrument symbol


Entry date (see settings)


Exit date (only if "Realtime mode is deactivated)


Percentage of the Buying Power invested in this instrument (security).


The user can choose if he wants to buy (long) or sell (short) this instrument (security).


Stop the download of real time data for the chart (only if "Realtime mode" checkbox is checked).

Last updated