Tools Menu
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Each Tuesday, U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission provide reports of open interest for markets in which 20 or more traders hold positions equal to or above the reporting levels established by the CFTC. These reports are available in long and short format.
Through the COT Report Escort AgenaTrader load these data from U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission official website.
These data are used by premium indicators of add-ons:
COT Standart Addon - Find description here
COT Institutional Addon - Find description here
Umland Addon - Find description here
Important! Please find all addons description here. You may purchase the selected package on our shop here.
In addition, you can find more information regarding COTReport on Carsten Umland's homepage and on our homepage .
In order to open the COT Report Escort please follow these steps:
Select COTReport Escort by using Tools -> Services -> COTReport Escort.
In open dialog, you may see COT report (left side) and AgenaTrader symbol which uses those data (right side).
If some specific symbol is absent, you may add it manually in the symbol field.
However, you should check in which COT report this symbol is present. Please check this on the official U.S. Commodity website here
After just display symbol on a chart and add an indicator which uses COT report.
In the Futures calendar window you will see the day of the month on which the rollover will take place:
By clicking on the symbol you will call up the detail window for the instrument within the Instrument Editor. Here you may make the necessary changes. More information about the rollover can be found in the section: Futures contract rollover.
In case you are looking for a specific contract please enter the symbol name in the search field and click the Search button
For the Futures, you may adjust some additional settings. Check the Show Rollover Alert checkbox if you wish to be shown the futures calendar window (see below) upon starting up AgenaTrader - it will appear if one of the major futures is n days before its rollover. The dialog window will open where the cursor is positioned.
The new Financial Calendar shows a snap-shot of loaded data at each point of time.
By means of the financial calendar you can set a time alert in AgenaTrader for the most important dates and even show those information in the chart at the specific date and time of the event. Should you need to see all changes it is necessary to reload the financial calendar (there is no automatic transfer of data).
You have the option to choose Economic, Earnings, Holidays and Dividend Dates, more details below the image.
Show most important economic events which drive the worldwide markets, each event is referred to the currencies it will affect the most.
List of companies which are giving out earning reports at this date.
Worldwide Holidays and therefore closed exchanges are listed here.
Dividend Dates
List of companies which are paying dividends at this date.
Here you can choose for which countries you want to load the specific information.
Specify for which time period you want to look at the information.
The right click on a calendar will open the context menu with the following options:
Create Time Alert allows to create time alert visible on a chart
MS Excel Export: exports all information into a CSV file.
The Create Time Alert definition popup allows you to input the following values:
Date and time of the (next) reminder
The reason for alert (set manually)
Repetition frequency for the time alert. If no repetition frequency is entered here, the alert will be triggered only once.
Iteration Type
The sound to be played when the alert is triggered. If no sound is selected, the reason for the alert will be spoken by a synthetic voice.
If the price alert gets triggered a notification will be send as popup.
Mobile Notific.
Enable mobile notification
Deletes the alert
Custom user input
Display alert on Chart
Display alert only on exact Instrument Chart
Color of alert
Important! Alert can only be placed for events that are in the future not in the past.
The Notes tab saves your notes for each trading day and sorts them automatically by date of creation.
The right click on a day field will open a the context menu for a complete trading day with the following options:
Expand/Collapse: opens or closes the notes for the particular day (also achieved by left clicking on the corresponding row).
Delete notes for ...(date): removes notes for the entire day.
MS Excel Export: exports all notes into a CSV file.
Save to File: saves all notes as a TXT file.
The right click on a note will open the context menu with the following options:
Edit: allows you to edit the note (also achieved by double-clicking on the note).
Delete note: removes the note
MS Excel Export: exports all notes into a CSV file.
Save to File: saves all notes as a TXT file.
The TV-Streams tab provides access to TV stream websites without needing to open a browser.
To change stream please left mouse click on stream name and in open list select stream you want to watch
The buttons in the TV-Streams tab have the following functions:
Please find details about TV-Stream settings on wiki page Global Configuration: TV-Streams
The WEB tab provides access to Internet websites without needing to open a browser.
The buttons in the WEB tab have the following functions:
The Record/Replay Escort is able to record market data from a currently ongoing operation and replay later when necessary. If a broker or data feed offers the possibility of downloading the tick data (usually only for one trading day), then this can also be accomplished by the record manager.
Currently the following brokers enable market data download for 1-2 days: IQFeed, BarChart and DukasCopy.
If you wish to download the data, a connection to the preferred data feed provider must be established. You can download market data for one instrument or for an entire instrument list.
Columns of the Record/Replay Escort tab show the following information:
Name of the instrument or instrument list for which the tick data will be recorded or downloaded
Time from
Date and time when recording was started or the first tick data was downloaded.
Time to
Date and time when recording was finished or the last tick data was downloaded.
Start at
Time at which replay should be started during the period between the 'From' and 'To'. This time frame can only be changed when the status is displayed as 'Finished' or when the replay has been stopped (not paused).
The multiplicative factor at which the recording is to be played. For example, 20x symbolizes that the recording will be played at 20x the regular speed.
The cell in which you can enter a comment.
The context menu of the Record manager:
Start Recording: opens the Instrument Editor selection list. After selecting the instrument or instrument list, recording will begin. This requires the data feed to be active.
Stop Recording: becomes available when the status is displayed as 'Recording' and stops the current recording.
Download ReplayData: opens the Instrument Editor selection list. After choosing the instrument / instrument list and entering the time frame, the download will start.
Import from the Url: allows user to enter an URL to download data.
Remove Recording: deletes the selected entry
Play: starts the replay
Stop Replay: stops the replay and returns it to the original point (Status 'Finished').
To import data from URL user should have two files with bars and ticks. File extensions should be .sdf.
The link should be ended by file name. For example, we have 20170201_FDAX_1738764711.sdf file so the link should look like
In order to import data from URL please follow these steps:
Upload files with bars and ticks to file sharing service (For example 20170201_FDAX_1738764711.sdf and 20170201_FDAX_1738764711_Ticks.sdf files)
In Replay Escort context menu please select Import from the Url
In open dialog paste direct download link to one of each files (AgenaTrader will download second one automatically)
Click OK button
You can change the settings of the replay history in the Tools -> Global Configuration in tabs: General -> Chart. The replay history defines the time period inside the time frame for which tick data was downloaded, thus it can be replayed tick by tick.
his section describes all user-defined alerts in AgenaTrader.
The price alert is triggered when a current price has broken through the specified user price level. You can use this to operate in different events on the trading chart. A price alert may also be linked to an order. If the price alert is activated, this either deletes or activates the order.
Should you create a price alert AgenaTrader will note the price of instruments for the creation. Additionaly you can choose, whether the price alert will be activated in RTH (RealTimeTradingHours) only or outside these hours.
Additional information is the section: Add a price alert.
The Price alerts tab contains the following columns:
Instrument symbol
Price level at which the alert will be triggered
Trigger on
Price type at which the alert will be triggered (Last, Ask oder Bid)
The reason for alert (set manually)
The sound that will be played when the alert is triggered. If no sound is selected, the reason for alert will be spoken by a synthetic voice.
If the price alert gets triggered a notification will be send as popup.
Is global
The price alert will be displayed on the chart
The price alert will be activated only during the regular trading hours
Mobile Notific.
Enable mobile notification
Custom user input
Right clicking in the Price alerts tab will bring up the context menu with the following options:
Add Alert: adds a new alert and opens a popup to enter the criteria.
Edit Alert: opens the popup that allows you to edit the criteria.
Remove Alert: deletes the selected alert.
Export to MS Excel: exports the alert rows into a CSV-file.
Price alerts may be saved as order templates. However, this setting is valid for discretionary trades but not for AT++ mode. Using the Alert handler you can program individual features for alerts.
Important! To make price alert visible on a chart please activate Show Price Alert Lines. Details on page Chart Toolbar: Price markers and spread markers
Time alert is a one-time or iterative reminder about specific important dates such as:
14:30 American market data
Expiration days for futures or options
Reminder every Friday at 14:30 during 10 weeks etc.
The Time alerts tab contains the following columns:
Date and time of the (next) reminder
The reason for alert (set manually)
Repetition frequency for the time alert. If no repetition frequency is entered here, the alert will be triggered only once.
Iteration Type
The sound to be played when the alert is triggered. If no sound is selected, the reason for the alert will be spoken by a synthetic voice.
If the price alert gets triggered a notification will be send as popup.
Mobile Notific.
Enable mobile notification
Deletes the alert
Custom user input
Show on Chart
Display alert on Chart
Display alert only on exact Instrument Chart
Color of alert
Right clicking in the Time alerts tab will bring up the context menu with the following options:
Add Alert: adds a new alert and opens a popup to enter the criteria.
Edit Alert: opens the popup that allows you to edit the criteria.
Remove Alert: deletes the selected alert.
Export to MS Excel : exports the alert rows into a CSV-file.
You may select the following criteria in the alert popup:
Using the Alert handler you can also program individual features for alerts.
This functionality allows you to set an alert that will inform you when a particular indicator has crossed the defined price level.
Additional information in the section: Add an indicator alert.
The indicator alerts tab contains the following columns:
Shows the instrument and time frame for which an indicator alert was set
The indicator that will trigger the alert once the set price level is crossed
Last Price
Current price
Alert Price
Price level at which alert will be triggered
The reason for alert (set manually)
The sound to be played when the alert is triggered. If no sound is selected, the reason for alert will be spoken by a synthetic voice.
Mobile Notific.
Enable mobile notification
Deletes the alert
Right clicking in the Indicator alerts tab will bring up the context menu with the following options:
Add Alert: adds a new alert and opens a popup to enter the criteria.
Edit Alert: opens the popup that allows you to edit the criteria.
Remove Alert: deletes the selected alert.
Export to MS Excel : exports the alert rows into a CSV-file.
Using the Alert handler you can also program individual features for alerts.
Connect alerts with IfDone (alt + left mouse button) and OCO (Strg(Ctrl) + left mouse button) connections.
If the entry order gets triggered the Alert1 short and Alert1 long will be activated because a IfDone connection (green line) was set.
If the Limit order (long target) gets filled the price Alert1 short will be cancelled because of a OCO connection (red line) was set. Furthermore if the Alert1 (long) gets triggered the Stop order will be cancelled.
If the Stop order (short stop) gets filled the price Alert1 long will be cancelled because of a OCO connection (red line) was set. Furthermore if the Alert1 (short) gets triggered the Limit (Target) order will be cancelled.
Price alerts can be connected among each other in the OCO-group
The window "Account connections set up" includes three tabs:
For more information, please take a look at the section: Multi account settings.
AgenaTrader lets you create packages that you can then distribute (export and import) to another computer. These packages can contain your own:
chart templates
workspaces etc.
This functionality enables you to share your customized components with clients, friends and colleagues by sending packages via email. These can also easily be imported or installed on other computers. In the future we plan to provide a service for our customers wishing to share their self-developed packages with the community, either free of charge or on a commercial basis via our webstore, which should be opened sometime during the next year.
Select Tools -> Packages and then Create package from the main menu.
This will bring up a tab where you can check the Export Logs checkbox and set a date range for information to be compiled.
Click the Create button to save this package.
The setup is located in the main menu bar in the "TOOLS" tab under the category "Packages", followed by Create package or Import package, and the displaying or deleting of already imported packages.
Attention! For detailed instructions on importing packages, please visit the corresponding page.
Select Tools -> Packages and then Imported Packages from the main menu.
This will bring up a tab where you can select the Package you want to delete
Right click on Package -> Remove
Attention! Before deleting package please certify that you use neutral Workspace. More details in Workspace menu
Select Tools -> Packages and then Imported Packages from the main menu.
This will bring up a tab where you can select the Package you want to update
Left click on Update-to-date button
Attention! Before updating package please certify that you use neutral Workspace. More details in Workspace menu
In the Top FAQs section you can find the installation manual, including licensing and download for our AddOns:
Markus Gabel
Carsten Umland,
Rüdiger Born.
The Market technique AddOn does not have to be imported and therefore does not require any additional license key. After the activation AgenaTrader must be restarted. This doocument includes the explanation how to create an AddOn (package) as well.
To change the language of AgenaTrader, select your desired language within the Tools -> Language menu.
Once selected, you must restart AgenaTrader. The dialogue box will prompt you to either restart the program immediately or later on.
If the rollover date lies within the time range between the predefined days and the contract expiration date, then the corresponding cell will be highlighted in red:
If the expiration date lies in the past, then the corresponding cell will be highlighted in light red:
If the futures have already been rolled over to the next contract, then the corresponding cell will be highlighted in green:
For CME instruments, expiry with the most Volume settlements will be marked by yellow (in case you haven't set it yet for the selected instrument). With this data, the user may easily switch to the most popular expiry:
An Email address can be entered (e.g. ). If the price alert gets triggered a notification will be sent per email.
or allows you to navigate back and forth between loaded Streaming websites.
reload a website.
Mute/Unmute stream
Open stream Settings. Via these settings, you may add or delete stream channels.
or allows you to navigate back and forth between loaded websites.
reloads a website.
adds a current website to your favorites or sets it as the homepage.
The status of recording/replay: Recording: data from the data feed provider is currently being downloaded or recorded. Finished: downloading or recording is completed. This status allows you to start replay. Replaying: replay has started. Paused: replay has been paused.
Starts the replay for a selected entry in the list Pauses the replay
Stops the replay and returns it to the original point (status 'Finished')
An Email address can be entered (e.g. ). If the price alert gets triggered a notification will be sent per email.
An Email address can be entered (e.g. ). If the price alert gets triggered a notification will be sent per email.
There are two possible states: Waiting: the alert has not been yet triggered Activated: the alert has been triggered by the price that reached the specified level