The Action bar is located on the right hand side of the chart and is equipped with various functions to improve trading management.
Maximize chart
Fixate action bar
Show/hide trading pad
Open Quick Trader
Open Option Pad
Fundamentals Pad
Open Chart Trading Pad (Standard oder AT++)
Open DOM
Open ActionBar settings
ActionBar: Instrument News from Google Finance
Change time frames
Instrument lists
Quick setup buttons
Quick indicators
Drawing objects
Price styles
Order Templates
The Action bar settings can be accessed by doing one of the following:
Select from the main menu Tools ->Settings -> Preferences and then ActionBar.
Right-click on the Action Bar within the chart.
Furthermore Action Bar settings can be set general for all Action Bars if the user uses the Preferences setup (left picture) or for each chart individually if he/she accesses the action bar with a right click within the chart (right picture).
ActionBar global settings (Global Configuration)
ActionBar individual settings (right clicking on the ActionBar)
Apply button: for global settings of all ActionBars
Apply button: only for individual settings
Apply for All button: for global settings of all Action bars
Now we give an overview of the functions of each mentioned element.
Enlarge chart
Fixate ActionBar
If the Fixed Action Bars option within the Action Bar-> General is enabled, the pin will not appear and the action bar will always be visible. If it is not enabled, you can determine for each individual chart (by left clicking on the pin) whether the Action bar should be fixed or appear only when the cursor is placed within the chart area.
Open the trading pad
Left click on the Open TradingPad button to open / expand the trading pad (Standard on the left picture and AgenaTrader++ on the right picture).
Time frame regulator
Using the time frame regulator you can change the time frames for the corresponding chart. Right-click within the action bar to bring up the Global Configuration -> ActionBar -> Time Frames window and customize predefined time frames.
Instrument list buttons
The instrument list buttons enable you to add instruments to your favorites list, customize them, or remove them with a mouse click.
Right-click within the action bar to bring up the Global Configuration -> ActionBar -> Instrument List window, then in the drop-down list, select multiple instrument lists from the Instrument Editor. For each of the selected lists, AgenaTrader will create a button in the action bar.
When the instrument list button is red, this indicates that the current instrument in the chart is included in the instrument list. To remove this instrument from the instrument list, left click on the button. When the button is not colored, this indicates that the current instrument is not included in the instrument list. To add this instrument to the instrument list, left click on the button.
You can also use hot keys to add or remove instruments from the instrument lists.
Quick setups
This functionality is available in the AgenaTrader++ Centaurus version and higher. The quick setup functionality enables you to transfer your customized setups from the Setup Builder to a chart with just a click.
Select the Global Configuration menu. This will bring up a window in which you can select the ActionBar -> Entry Escort to configure your quick setups.
Once defined, the corresponding B(uy) and S(ell) buttons will appear in the Action bar. If you click the B(uy) or S(ell) button for a specific setup, AgenaTrader will automatically place an order with the corresponding risk criteria and other parameters defined within the Global Configuration.
Quick indicators
Quick indicators have an ergonomic function, providing quick access to the most important indicators without overloading the chart. This leaves you enough space to display information pertaining to actual trading. The Quick indicator buttons are available within the action bar. As long as the cursor remains over one of these buttons, the indicator will be visible on the chart. When you hover away then the indicator will be hidden. If you click the quick indicator button, the corresponding indicator will be shown on the chart until you click this button again.
The buttons have the same color as the indicator's line.
Right click on ActionBar->Indicators to configure the quick indicator setups.
Drawing objects
Use your favorite drawing objects for a quick access with the Action Bar.
Right click ActionBar -> Drawings to configure the drawing objects.
Order Templates
Use your favorite order templates for quick access in the Action Bar.
Find details about orders template on page Chart Toolbar: Orders templates
Price styles
Use your favorite price styles for a quick access in the Action Bar.
Right-click within the action bar to bring up the Global Configuration -> Action Bar -> Price Style window and customize predefined price styles.
If the charts are too compressed vertically, so that only a few buttons are visible inside the action bar, then you will need to scroll up or down:
Click on Chart/ActionBar make it active,
Move the cursor over the Action bar and left click,
Scroll up and down with the mouse wheel.
Quick Trader
Inside these horizontal bars the volume of the price level is displayed as a number but note that these numbers will be displayed only if the tick size is not too tight so it can fit inside the bar. The bars are colored in red for market depth and volume above the market price and green for market depth and volume below the market price.
Quantity and Strategy selection window
Quantity: standard order size of the trade, if AT++ is NOT activated
Strategy: SetupBuilder strategies, if AT++ is activated
Entering orders
The order entry behaves in the same way as is in the DOM. A left mouse click on the green or red vertical bar will create a order or order setup (AT++ if a strategy was selected in).
Order type
Cursor location
Limit Buy (bid)
Bid-Area below Market Price
+ Left mouse button
Limit Sell (ask)
Ask-Area above Market Price
+ Left mouse button
StopLimit Buy
Bid Area above Market Price
+ Left mouse button + CTRL
StopLimit Sell
Ask Area below Market Price
+ Left mouse button + CTRL
Stop Buy
Bid-Area above Market Price
+ Left mouse button
Stop Sell
Ask-Area below Market Price
+ Left mouse button
Market Buy
Bid-Area on Market Price
+ Left mouse button
Market Sell
Ask-Area on Market Price
+ Left mouse button
QuickTrader settings
To open QuickTrader settings please use the following steps:
Right mouse click on Buy&Sell Area
Select QuickTrader settings
In the open dialog, you may adjust the following settings for QuickTrader
Buy Column Back Color: adjust background color for buying area Font Color: adjust font color of buying price level Width: Width of buying area
Sell Column Back Color: adjust background color for sell area Font Color: adjust font of the sell price level Width: Width of sell area
Distance Between Buy & Sell Areas: There you may set distance between Buy & Sell Areas Distance From Price Scale: There you may set distance between QuickTrader and Price Scale Price Levels: There you may set the number of price levels. The user may switch off price level for Quick Trader if set 0. AutoScale Price Level. Minimize QuickTraderBox In Chart: If activated ChartBox will be minimized:
With the Reset button, you may set all settings to default.
The spread-lines are displayed by default when you activate the QuickTrader. If you want to disable the spread-lines you can do that with the following setting:
Important! The user can change colors a for the quick trader function. The Color settings are accessible via the chart toolbar. Details on page Chart Toolbar: Color.
In case User saves the chart as the template, quick trader settings will be saved as well. Details on page Chart Group: Templates
This feature provides access to Instrument News from Google Finance website without needing to open a browser.
button on the ActionBar.
Open dialog automatically searches news about the instrument you use. In addition, the user can navigate through the google finance pages without using the browser.
In order to return from the choosen article to the Google news overview, simply press the "Backspace"-button or right click and then choose "return" in context menu.
Last updated