AT (plusplus) Manager
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In this section you may set settings for semi-automatic setups, trade management components, integrated risk and money management with automatic order sizing, signal scanner, and other functions.
AT (Plus Plus) General - General AT ++ settings
AT (Plus Plus) Entries - Entry Escort settings
AT (Plus PLus) Stops - Stop Escort settings
AT (Plus PLus) Targets - Target Escort settings
AT (Plus Plus): Order Rounding - Set general settings related to order size and risk management.
AT (Plus Plus): Risk Management - Define risk parameters settings for each account and asset type.
Setup Builder - Here You can define, activate and deactivate fully functional trading setups.
Signal Builder - Here You can create complex scans for trading signals.
General AT++ settings:
Clean AT++ Proposal on symbol change
If activated, proposal orders will be deleted after symbol (Instrument) change. If not selected proposal orders will not be deleted and stay in the chart until they were cancelled manually.
Recover AT++ in any case
If activated, active strategies are saved, even if they do not have active trades or orders.
Keep Strategy running on Flat
When activated AT++ will remain active in the chart even when the position was closed.
The AgenaTrader++ plusplus entries category allows you to edit the general Entry Escorts settings.
Fixed Tick Distance
Sets distance in ticks from the calculated entry price to the actual order. Calculated entry prices are usually highs/lows of the periods. To avoid spoofing at these points the order will be placed n ticks away from the entry price.
Distance on ATR
Allows you to smooth distances in tick size e.g. between cheap stocks and Futures or Forex. As a result, a tick calculation will be performed based on the ATR(20).
Distance ATR Factor
Refers to the ATR factor used for the size calculation based on the ATR. 0.10 means that the distance in ticks will be set to 1/10th of the current ATR value. If a value is also entered in the Fixed Tick Distance cell, the distance will be measured based on the maximum of both values.
Synthetic-Orders on MinStop Distance
Allows you to place synthetic orders on the market. By enabling this you avoid problems with CFD brokers (e.g.: FXCM / XTB) if you are not able to place the entry as close in the market as you would like due to restrictions on the broker's pages.
Auto Cancel invalid Orders
Automatically removes the order at the end of the period if a candlestick breaches the initial stop and the entry order is not executed. The order will also be deleted if the validity note after n periods passes and the order is not executed. You will receive the following information in the Protocol tab: "Due to your settings in the Global Configuration/Entries/AutoCancelOrder, the order for instrument "xxx" was canceled". If you enter "0" for the option "Check validity of order after N Bars" then this functionality will not be activated.
Recalculate Order Size on Entry Order
If the order bar of the entry order is moved after it was created the order size is recalculated if necessary.
Show Counter Signals
Informs you of counter signals while your trade is running (functionality of AgenaTrader++). For example, if you are positioned long with the JoJo signal, then you will be informed of counter signals (not only for JoJo but also RubberBand etc.) in the message box in the Order Escort via the blinking status bar of the AgenaTrader.
Show Initial Risk Violation Popup
If activated the "Initial Risk Violation Popup" will appear when the initial risk was increased.
Throw strategy alerts
If active, the AT++ strategy will send email and mobile notification every time signal appears.
Check Validity of Order after N Bars
Displays number of bars (n) after which you will receive a note in the log tab if the entry order has not been executed or if the initial stop has been breached. If you enter “0” then you will not receive these notes. Please note! Proposal Orders will be automatically deleted if the close price (=periods end) breaches the stop price.
The AgenaTrader++ plusplus entries tab allows you to edit the general Stop Escort settings.
Fixed Tick Distance
Sets distance in ticks from the calculated stop price to the actual order. Calculated stop prices are usually highs/lows of the periods. To avoid spoofing at these points the order will be placed n ticks away from the entry price.
Distance ATR Factor
Refers to the ATR factor used for the size calculation based on the ATR. 0.10 means that the distance in ticks will be set to 1/10th of the current ATR value. If a value is also entered in the Fixed Tick Distance cell, the distance will be measured based on the maximum of both values.
Distance on ATR
Allows you to smooth distances in tick size e.g. between cheap stocks and Futures or Forex. As a result, a tick calculation will be performed based on the ATR(20).
Synthetic-Order on MinStop Distance
The AgenaTrader++ plusplus targets allows you to edit the general Target Escort settings.
Fixed Tick Distance
Sets distance in ticks from the calculated target price to the actual order. Calculated target prices are usually highs/lows of the periods. To avoid spoofing at these points the order will be placed n ticks away from the entry price.
Distance on ATR
Allows you to smooth distances in tick size e.g. between cheap stocks and Futures or Forex. As a result, a tick calculation will be performed based on the ATR(20).
Distance ATR Factor
Refers to the ATR factor used for the size calculation based on the ATR. 0.10 means that the distance in ticks will be set to 1/10th of the current ATR value. If a value is also entered in the Fixed Tick Distance cell, the distance will be measured based on the maximum of both values.
The Order Rounding category allows you to enter general settings related to order size and risk management.
Block: Order Rounding Criteria
Round Order Size to
Switch off Risk Management
This feature allows you to adjust settings related not only to the replay/simulation account but also to the AgenaTrader++ versions.
The risk parameters can be created for each account and asset type (Stocks, Futures, Indexes, CFD's, Currency and Options) separately. For each broker account available only asset type it supports.
Block: Risk criteria
Risk Management Off
Risk/Trade %
The percentage of an account / capital that you are prepared to place at risk during the trading. The order size calculation is based on the gap between the entry and stop order, the valuation of the instrument, the instrument / account currency pairs and the buying power. If this option is selected, the risk will remain the same but the order amount will vary. This method offers a reasonable order size setting when using a combination of equities and leveraged products (Forex, Futures, etc.).
Risk Amount
Sets the absolute value of the P&L currency that you are prepared to risk per trade. The order size is adjusted to this amount.
Note: Risk/Trade and Risk/Trade Amount
Slippage and spread will be taken into account in the order size calculation as well. The slippage is evaluated based on the spread, so that you effectively use the spread twice. This value increases the difference between entry and stop, based on which the position size (after the conversion of the PL currency) is then calculated.
Fixed Amount
Available only for Currencies and Stocks. There you can define for what amount you can place order size. For example, user set Fixed amount to 3000 EUR. If he place setup on EURUSD instrument it's order size will be 3000.
Max. Invested %
If the Risk/Trade or Risk/Trade Amount options are selected, you can define the maximum amount of buying power to be invested in the trade by setting the Max. invested %. This may result in a decreasing of the Risk / trade and Risk / trade amount.
Block: Account criteria
Trading Free Period
During this time no trades will be executed and active trades will be closed.
Daily Loss Limit
Sets the maximum amount of loss allowed for trades per day on one account (in P&L currency).
Important! Please find details on page AT (Plus Plus): Risk Management
Allows you to place on the market. By enabling this you avoid problems with CFD brokers (e.g.: FXCM / XTB) if you are not able to place the stop as close in the market as you would like due to restrictions on the broker's pages.
Sets the next valid value to which an order size can be rounded. Basic calculations of position size determine odd-lots, i.e. lots that are not evenly divisible (for example, 100 Stocks, 10000 currency units etc.). It is recommended to round them to the tick size value for better execution. The illustrated example above is to be interpreted in the following way: If the calculated order size is smaller than 300, then it will be rounded to the nearest 20. If the order size is above 300, then AgenaTrader will round to the nearest 100. Thus, 277 is rounded to 280 and 323 is rounded to 300, whereas 365 is rounded to 400. It may occur that the predefined risk per trade is slightly exceeded. This will be displayed by a red background in the Hard/SoftRisk fields within the .
Deactivates the risk management for the particular asset class. See the for more information. In this case only the default order size will be used.
Deactivates the risk management for the particular asset type (stocks/EFTs, Forex, Futures). Moreover, the default size defined in the Global Configuration will be used for managing orders instead of the order size of all AgenaTrader++ orders. You can also assign the default order size to an individual instrument using the . Furthermore, you have the possibility to activate the risk management for an account excluding certain asset types (stocks/EFTs, Forex, Futures). If, for example, you select the Risk/trade option for the MB trading account and check the Switch Off Risk Management checkbox in the , the order size calculation for stocks and Forex will be based on the percentage of risk but for futures it will be based on the default order size. Warning! If the default order size is used for the order size calculation e.g. for Forex instruments, AgenaTrader will use the underlying base currency instead of the AgenaTrader++ PL currency, which can be adjusted in the Global Configuration.