Сonditions and Scripts disappeared
Last updated
Last updated
There are several ways to solve this issue:
Download and install the latest release of AgenaTrader. Download link here
Please go to Strategie Handling->Scripting and click on Compile button
Important! In some cases, User can get compiling errors. Please find details about how to solve this on page Compile Errors
Please check the destination of script files. They should be located: C:\Users\'User_name'\Documents\AgenaTrader\UserCode\ folders: Indicators, Scanns, ScriptedConditions, Strategies or AlertHandlers (depends on Script type). In case you find them in other location, just copy them to the destination folder and click Compile button.
Conditions might disappear because your packages were not updated to the latest version. In this case please select Tools -> Packages -> Imported Packages from the main menu.
In open tab please check version of your add on. Up-to-date button means that your addon is already updated.
Update Available means that you add on version is obsolete.
To update add on please click on Update Available button and in open dialog click button Yes