AddOns (packages) and their content
Please note: If you want to benefit from all functionalities in the packages, we recommend to use AgenaTrader Andromeda. You can basically use the AddOns with lower versions, yet only with major constraints (no AT++ Trading, no realtime screening etc.)!
Premium indicators:
VolumeSessionPro. You can find more information on our YouTube video channel. VolumeArea. You can find more information on our YouTube video channel. KlingerVolumeOscillator. You can find more information on our YouTube video channel. VolumeKeltnerChannels. You can find more information on our YouTube video channel. VolumeUDR. You can find more information on our YouTube video channel. VolumeTickSpeed. You can find more information on our YouTube video channel. VolumeZoneOscillator. You can find more information on our YouTube video channel. VolumeRiseFall. You can find more information on our YouTube video channel. WyckoffWave. You can find more information on our YouTube video channel. VolumeGraph. You can find more information on our YouTube video channel. VolumeSentimentLong. You can find more information on our YouTube video channel. VolumeSentimentShort. You can find more information on our YouTube video channel.
Volume workspace
You can find the complete documentation here.
CoT Institutional
Premium indicators:
COT Report Disaggregated. You can find more information on our YouTube video channel. Open Interest Disaggregated. You can find more information on our YouTube video channel. Aggregated Index Position Disaggregated. You can find more information on our YouTube video channel. Large Trader Activity. You can find more information on our YouTube video channel. COT Stock Dummy. You can find more information on our YouTube video channel. COT Report Legacy. You can find more information on our YouTube video channel. Open Interest Legacy. You can find more information on our YouTube video channel. Aggregated Index Position Legacy. You can find more information on our YouTube video channel. Commercial Index. You can find more information on our YouTube video channel.
COT workspace
This will take you to the CoT landing page; this takes you to the description.
CoT Standard
Premium indicators:
COT Report Legacy. You can find more information on our YouTube video channel. Open Interest Legacy. You can find more information on our YouTube video channel.
This will take you to the CoT landing page; this takes you to the description.
Indicators: LBH - the Born Traders Breakout Long Alert LBL - the Born Traders Breakout Short Alert
Drawing tools:
Text object: - BT Text Label
Lines: Trend line: - BT Trend Free Slope counter trend: - BT SlopeCounterTrend Slope trend: - BT SlopeTrend Trend line advanced: - BT Trend Magnet Arrow line: - BT ArrowBlack Fibonacci forms Fibonacci retracement: - EXT Wx - RET W2 - RET W4 Fibonacci time zones: - Fibo Time Projection Fibonacci projections: - PROJ SYMMETRY - PROJ W3 - PROJ W5 Elliot wave: - EW Raff regression: - BT Parallel Lines Trend channel: - BT Trend Break - BT TrendChannel Freehand drawing: - BT FreeHandBlue Chart distance ruler: - BT Ruler
Programmed conditions: BORNbar
Stock EoD screener instrument lists:
Born trades templates
BT - workspace with preset chart groups, list chart groups and more.
Born trader templates
For further information and support regarding the BORN AddOn, please contact BORN Traders directly.
Indicators: Born Oscillator - uses the RSI value as an entry LBH - the Born traders breakout long alert LBL - the Born traders breakout short alert SMA1plus2 - draws two simple moving averages
Drawing objects: Text object: - BT Text Label Lines: Trend line: - BT Trend Free Slope counter trend: - BT SlopeCounterTrend Slope trend: - BT SlopeTrend Trend line advanced: - BT Trend Magnet Arrow line: - BT ArrowBlack - BT ArrowGreen - BT ArrowRed
Geometric forms: Rectangle: - BT BoxBlue
Fibonacci forms Fibonacci retracement: - EXT Wx - RET W2 - RET W4 Fibonacci time zones: - Fibo Time 2P - Fibo Time Numbers - Fibo Time Relations Fibonacci projections: - BORNbar Targets - PROJ SYMMETRY - PROJ W3 - PROJ W5 Elliot wave: - EW Raff regression: - BT Parallel Lines Trend channel: - BT Green Line - BT Trend Break - BT TrendChannel Freehand drawing: - BT FreeHandBlue - BT FreeHandRed Chart distance ruler: - BT Ruler
Programmed conditions:
Stock EoD screener instrument lists:
Born trades templates
BT Pro - workspace with preset chart groups, list chart groups and more.
Born trader templates
For further information and support regarding the BORN Pro AddOn, please contact BORN Traders directly.
GABEL's DowHow
Indicators - custom:
DowHowMarketPhasesPro: market phases analyzer PRO V 6.0 DowHow123Pro: 1-2-3 recognition V 12.0
Conditions (also available in the Setup Builder):
LongGabelReversal - reversal bar recognition long DH_long (in several timeframes) DH_short (in several timeframes)
Dow How (Market Technique) stops (also available in the Setup Builder):
DowHowMover (moving stop)
DowHowStopT0 DowHowStopT1 DowHowStopT2
DowHow - Markus workspace with preset list chart groups
You can find more information on our YouTube video channel DE.
For further information and support regarding GABEL's DowHow, please contact Gabel Trading directly.
Premium indicators:
COTReport - CFTC Commitments of Traders COTOpenInterest - CFTC Commitments of Traders
COT Report Escort - for trading commodities
Stock EoD screener
Stock scanner under consideration of fundamental and technical data, based on the explanations in the book "Einfach traden lernen" ("Learn to trade simply").
- Complete workflow of the stock screening: trading ideas are found using the EoD scanner and then simultaneously presorted into individual "tabs" such as "simplified technical short".
- Mov_1 to Mov_4
With the moving bars, you can perfect your trading out of the correction of a downward trend. The moving bars are now named according to value, whereby Mov_1 represents the lowest, and Mov_4 the highest value.
- Rev_1 to Rev_4
With the reversal bars, you can perfect your trading out of the correction of an upward trend. The reversal bars are now named according to value, whereby Rev_1 represents the lowest, and Rev_4 the highest value.
Workspace: - multi-timeframe approach and chart templates
Distribution days Identify big market changes in the indices by means of the distribution days. With this, you can better assess the overall market and better evaluate your own positions and trading ideas.
Trade management Directly apply the phases of the trade in AgenaTrader. Stops are automatically hedged at the entry level once a certain percentage of book profits has been generated in the running trade. The procedure is taken from the book "Einfach traden lernen" ("Learn to trade simply").
For further information and support regarding the UMLAND AddOn, please contact Simplified Trading directly.
Dow Theory Standard
You can find further information and short videos on the individual indicators on our YouTube video channel.
Day Lines Advanced Inside Bars "Dow Theory" Market Phases Market Phases Analyzer MTF Boxes P123 P123 Advanced Reversal Bars
Attention! The notification that "You are trading against the trend" appears if the user opens a position that, according to a setup, is going in the opposite direction to the trend. This means that the trend stop is pointless! This message is shown if the trend direction is short but the user is entering a long position.
Dow Theory Professional
All indicators from the Dow Theory Standard AddOn, as well as:
MarketPhases Analyzer Professional P123 Professional
Conditions (also available in the Setup Builder):
BreakOut from P2 Early P3 Reversal Bars Professional Outside Bar BreakOut MT Pro OutsideBar Mover (moving stop)
1 Dow Theory workspace (see documentation)
Dynamic trend filter long / short (see documentation)
Attention! The notification that "You are trading against the trend" appears if the user opens a position that, according to a setup, is going in the opposite direction to the trend. This means that the trend stop is pointless! This message is shown if the trend direction is short but the user is entering a long position.
You can find more information on our YouTube video channel. On the Dow Theory landing page you will find many other explanations and details of the features as well as the complete documentation.
DowHow Fibo Pro
Programmed indicators
DowHow123MG DowHow Market Phases Pro
DHL_Pro_15M DHL_Pro_15M_HA DHL_Pro_15M_Korr DHL_Pro_15M_Korr_HA DHL_Pro_1M DHL_Pro_1M_HA DHL_Pro_1M_Korr DHL_Pro_1M_Korr_HA DHL_Pro_5M DHL_Pro_5M_HA DHL_Pro_5M_Korr DHL_Pro_5M_Korr_HA DHL_Pro_DC DHL_Pro_DC_HA DHL_Pro_DC_Korr DHL_Pro_DC_Korr_HA DHL_Pro_HC DHL_Pro_HC_HA DHL_Pro_HC_Korr DHL_Pro_HC_Korr_HA DHL_Pro_MC DHL_Pro_MC_HA DHL_Pro_WC DHL_Pro_WC_HA DHL_Pro_WC_Korr DHL_Pro_WC_Korr_HA
DowHowMover (moving stop) DowHowStopT0 DowHowStopT1 DowHowStopT2
Workspace DowHowFiboPro
Scanner templates: 1M_Pro und 1M_Pro_HA (HeikinAshi) – 1 Minute 5M_Pro und 5M_Pro_HA – 5 Minutes 15M_Pro und 15M_Pro_HA - 15 Minutes HC_Pro und HC_Pro_HA - Hour DC_Pro und DC_Pro_HA - Day WC_Pro und WC_Pro_HA - Week MC_Pro und MC_Pro_HA - Month
Char templates: 1M_Pro und 1M_Pro_HA (HeikinAshi) – 1 Minute 5M_Pro und 5M_Pro_HA – 5 Minutes 15M_Pro und 15M_Pro_HA - 15 Minutes HC_Pro und HC_Pro_HA - 1 Hour DC_Pro und DC_Pro_HA - Day WC_Pro und WC_Pro_HA - Week MC_Pro und MC_Pro_HA - Month
ListChartGroup templates: LCG_1M_Pro und LCG_1M_Pro_HA (HeikinAshi) – 1 Minute LCG_5M_Pro und LCG_5M_Pro_HA – 5 Minutes LCG_15M_Pro und LCG_15M_Pro_HA - 15 Minutes LCG_HC_Pro und LCG_HC_Pro_HA - 1 Hour LCG_DC_Pro und LCG_DC_Pro_HA - Day LCG_WC_Pro und LCG_WC_Pro_HA - Week LCG_MC_Pro und LCG_MC_Pro_HA - Month
MT ON Live Signal
ON indicators:
ON123 ONMarketPhases InsideBarsON
ON conditions:
Screening ON_GWL_Phase ON_SIG_Premium ON_SIG_Second Trading ON_DeepReversal ON_Deep ON_Reversal
ON workspace
Predefined setups for semi-automatic ON trading
Here you will find the complete documentation for the MT ON Live Signal.
Here you will find the YouTube playlist DE with short videos for the MT ON Live Signal.
For further information and support regarding the MT ON Live Signal AddOn, please contact MarktTechnikTrading directly.
RIMES RangeBar Sniper
Programmed indicators: HittheMark Trading HTMT_EMA34 RimesMarketTrailer RimesRangeBreakOut
Conditions: MartinRimesSignals MRL1 MRL2 MRL3 MRL4 MRL5 MRL6 MRL7 MRL8 MRL9 MRL10 MRL11 MRS1 MRS2 MRS3 MRS3 MRS4 MRS5 MRS6 MRS7 MRS8 MRS9 MRS10 MRS11 MRS12 MRS13 MRS14 RimesLongMaster RimesShortMaster
Programmed conditions: RimesSniperStop
Workspace: MartinRimes V2
Here you will find the YouTube playlist by Martin Rimes. For further information and support regarding the RIMES RangeBarSniper AddOn, please contact Hit The Mark Trading directly.
Conditions: Premium01-DowTheory CurrentDayDown CurrentDayUp MTFlagLong MTFlagLongBreakOut MTFlagShort MTFlagShortBreakOut Premium02-Volume BuyZone SellZone Premium03-CoT ProducerNetLong Premium04-Darvas DarvasBreakoutLong DarvasBreakoutShort
Workspaces: Premium01-DowTheory Premium02-Volume Premium03-CoT Premium04-Darvas Premium05-GoldenCross
Please note: Your premium package contains exclusively created workspaces that can only be used in connection with the corresponding AddOn - for example: the PremiumVolume workspace with the Volume AddOn. Andromeda is only a sufficient prerequisite for the Darvas method presented. Therefore, in order to be able to use the respective contents of the WebinarPremium package, you need the corresponding package.
Location Point
Premium indicators:
LocationPointFreeRide LocationPointHeatmap
Location Point Basis Conditions:
DoubleBarRetracement SingleBarRetracement TripleBarRetracement
Location Point Signal Conditions:
EightTrain, TwentyTrain Stairway Jojo130 Jojo200 WipeOut
Location Point PAD
Effective display of the Location Point in various timeframes Automated FreeRide checks in various timeframes Recognition and placement of the Location Point targets
Worspace: LocationPoints MarketPreparation EndOfDay CFDs LocationPoints MarketPreparation EndOfDay LocationPoints MarketPreparation Intraday CFDs LocationPoints MarketPreparation Intraday LocationPoints Trading EndOfDay LocationPoints Trading Intraday
Dynamic scanner LocationPoints Trading (End of Day und Intraday) LocationPoints AllSignals (1D-1W-1M / 1H-4H-1D / 5M-15M-1H) LocationPoints TrendSignals (1D-1W-1M / 1H-4H-1D / 5M-15M-1H) LocationPoints ReversalSignals (1D-1W-1M / 1H-4H-1D / 5M-15M-1H) LocationPoints FastMover Signals (1D-1W-1M / 1H-4H-1D / 5M-15M-1H)
Scanner templates:
LocationPoints Trading AllSignals LocationPoints Trading TrendSignals LocationPoints Trading ReversalSignals LocationPoints Trading FastMover Signals
Chart templates incl. ActionBar templates:
LocationPointsMarketPreparation LocationPointsSignalTF LocationPointsTF+1 LocationPointsTF+2
ListChartGroup templates:
LocationPoints Trading (End of Day und Intraday) LocationPoints AllSignals (1D-1W-1M / 1H-4H-1D / 5M-15M-1H) LocationPoints TrendSignals (1D-1W-1M / 1H-4H-1D / 5M-15M-1H) LocationPoints ReversalSignals (1D-1W-1M / 1H-4H-1D / 5M-15M-1H) LocationPoints FastMover Signals (1D-1W-1M / 1H-4H-1D / 5M-15M-1H)
Please find details about Location Point AddOn on page here
Steve Nison's CandleStick
Scripted Conditions:
BearCounterAttack BearHarami BearishEngulfing BearSash BearSeperatingLine BullCounterAttack BullHarami BullishEngulfing BullSash BullSeperatingLine DarkCloudCover Doji EveningStar FallingThree Hammer HangingMan HighWave InvertedHammer MorningStar Piercing RisingWindow ShootingStar ThreeBlackCrows ThreeWhiteSoldiers TweezersBottom
Worspace: NCS - Default - Standard NCS - Default - Strict NCS - SteveNison - Standard NCS - SteveNison - Strict NCS - SwingTrade- Standard NCS - SwingTrade- Strict
Dynamic scanner: NCS - Default - Standard NCS - Default - Strict NCS - SteveNison - Standard NCS - SteveNison - Strict NCS - SwingTrade- Standard NCS - SwingTrade- Strict
Scanner templates: NCS - Default - Defaul NCS - Default - Strict
Chart templates incl. ActionBar templates:
NCS - Default - Standard NCS - Default - Strict NCS - SteveNison - Standard NCS - SteveNison - Strict NCS - SwingTrade- Standard NCS - SwingTrade- Strict
ListChartGroup templates:
NCS - Default - Standard NCS - Default - Strict NCS - SteveNison - Standard NCS - SteveNison - Strict NCS - SwingTrade- Standard NCS - SwingTrade- Strict
Last updated