Package first steps
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Along with activating the AgenaTrader software, in the "License Activation" Setup, you can also activate the license key for packages. To do so, you need to select the package name in order to enable the activation box. The "Activate" button activates the license key.
The setup is located in the main menu bar in the "TOOLS" tab under the category "Packages", followed by Create package or Import package, and the displaying or deleting of already imported packages.
Once "Import package" has been selected, AgenaTrader opens a window asking whether a backup has already been created. If this not the case, you should click on cancel and create a backup. If it has, you can continue with "Ok". A new window opens up so that you can select the package file. When you click on Open, the package is automatically imported. This can take several seconds.
Package files can be downloaded from here: Link
AgenaTrader allows you to create packages that can be exported and imported on other computers. These packages can include:
Chart templates
Workspaces, etc.
Clicking on Tools / Packages / Create packages opens up the context menu window. The first tab contains general information about the package.
Name of the package Version number can be assigned by the user and must conform to a predetermined format e.g. Update URL if the user plans further updates for the package Documentation URL if the user provides documentation Support email if the user provides support Description of the package Make license validation available If the checkbox has been activated, the user has the possibility to assign a license key to protect his or her product from piracy.
After the general information of the package has been defined, the content of the package can be selected. With a click in the checkbox next to the element, this element can be added to the package. Indicators, strategies, conditions, self-programmed conditions, alert handlers, entry, stop, and target escorts, workspaces, templates and hot keys are available for selection.
The tab TE_Config.xml contains all the settings of the Global Configuration. These settings can also be made available for other users too.
Alongside the contents listed above, there is also the option to add your own instrument data to the package by selecting the checkbox "Export instrument data". The two other checkboxes are for the general AgenaTrader support service. This data is requested to understand a problem the user might have; however, these have no practical function in creating the trader packages themselves.
The following steps show how to delete a package:
Navigate to Tools -> Packages -> Imported Packages
Select the package(s) you want to delete
Right-click on the selected package(s) and choose Remove
This will permanently remove the selected package(s) from AgenaTrader.
How to Update a Package
Navigate to Tools -> Packages -> Imported Packages
Select the package(s) you want to update
Click the Update-to-date button
This ensures that your packages are always up to date with the latest versions and configurations.
In addition to activating the AgenaTrader software, the License Activation setup also allows you to activate the license key for packages.
To do this:
Select the package name to unlock the activation field.
Enter the license key.
Click the Activate button to complete the activation.
In order to get a free package demo licence please follow those steps:
Directly in your AgenaTrader open "Licensing" from the main-toolbar and select "Entering Activation Key"
In the next window select the preferred package and click on the button "Request Demo"
After that, the package will be imported and installed automatically. The demo key will be enabled for 30 days, you can see the expiration date in column "Expiry".