MT on live signal
Warning! Dear customers, before you start working with the ON workspace and indicators, we ask that you read these instructions thoroughly before modifying any settings. The ON-Addon is an advanced tool that contains many settings and parameters – incorrect settings made due to “curiosity” may lead to undesired results. IMPORTANT! The ON-indicators in general operates with all kinds of charts, the relevant upper trend size = Grosswetterlage (GWL) needs a time-based chart. The ON-Addon is based on real-time, not on closing prices. In each timeframe, the package displays the relevant trend in the signal size as well its upper timeframe. Different trend sizes are generated with a change of the time frame.
You are free to carry out any and all changes; however, we recommend that you only touch those setting which you are already familiar with. Please ensure to use identical values at “Bars required" in the Chart and in ListChartGroups.
After the purchase, you receive the MTOnLiveSignal.atpack by email: this file is the actual package including all components contained within. ATTENTION! If you are using InternetExplorer or MicrosoftEdge, the browser automatically converts the atpack file to a .zip-file. After the download you therefore have to rename the to MTOnLiveSignal.atpack!
Save the .atpack file on your hard drive.
We now still need to enter our license for the package in AgenaTrader. For this, click on the symbol with the question mark, select About -> Entering Activation Key, navigate to “MTOnLiveSignal” and enter your activation key that you have received by email. Click on “Activate”. Once you receive the notice that your license has been successfully activated, close this window.
Now open Tools -> Packages -> Import Package, read the following backup information and if you have already carried out a backup, click on OK. In the next window, navigate to the storage location of the MTOnLiveSignal.atpack file, click on it and select “Open”. Confirm the Agena restart request with OK so that your AgenaTrader can be restarted.
After the restart, the first step is to establish a connection to your data feed.
As soon as you have established a connection to your data feed, select Main -> Workspace -> ON – to load the ON workspace. As soon as all charts are completely loaded, the ON-Package is fully ready to go.
The Market Technical Trading illustrates the current supply-/demand-situation in the form of trends. At this it is critical to consider two associated trend sizes: The signal size, in which you are trading, and the GWL, the relevant upper trend size. For that reason, the ON-Addon always considers the situation in the signal size as well as in the GWL. The assignment of the appropriate trend sizes is not governed by an individual perception, but A) a specialized, professional derivation and B ) by the definition of Spot & Future markets and the connection between them. Ultimately the Futures Market is the hour of birth of the Market Technical Trading.
Since the ON-Addon only needs one time frame to display the trend in both the signal size & the GWL, using AgenaTrader in combination with the new ON-Addon is an extremely efficient way to work and to carry out your analyses. The package masters trading the trend as well as movements, including appropriate stop management (cf. “PREDEFINED SETUPS”).
To bring your attention to particularly interesting constellations and possible entries directly in the chart, the ON-Addon can use different flash techniques. With that you stay on top of even very dynamical market situations and lose no chances.
The package is also capable of recognizing and displaying opposite signals in the signal size as well the GWL – you always stay on top of present market events, independent of their complexity or constellations. Another specialty is the resumption of temporary broken trends in case of their renewed validity. That ensures a so far unmatched closeness to the market that won’t let you miss any trend.
The traffic lights concept of the TradingZone offers a further optical aid in the signal size and GWL. In its overall height, it represents the last correction zone of a valid trend and additionally symbolizes via its color gradient from Red to Green the actual correction-depth/-height. The used traffic lights concept simplifies the orientation during the trading of corrections as the attractivity of any given correction is visible at a glance.
To make trading and analyses using the ON-data as simple and intuitive as possible, the ON-Addon contains the following components:
ON-Workspace for an effective working- and trading-style
ON-Indikatoren for the Market Technical Trading
ON-Conditons for easier execution of your trading
Additional-Condition: ONReversalBar
Predefined Setups for semiautomatic ON-Trading
Figure 1 - ON-Workspace
The following content is predefined in the ON-Workspace:
1.1 Tabs: Appropriate to a proper work style the workspace is segmented in SCREENER- and Watchlist-Tabs. Due to the used small time frames and the consequent high trading-/signal-frequency the Intraday-Tab is not further segmented in Screener & Watchlist. Within the SCREENERS instruments are scanned for valid trends in signal size and GWL. Instruments that raise your attention and additionally are marked with two identical colored signals (Green=Long or Red=Short) can be added to corresponding watchlists by a mouse click on the respective Actionbar-Button. The successful implementation is displayed by a red coloring of the corresponding Watchlist-Button.
1.2 Instrument lists Intraday, 10min-Watchlist, Stunde-Watchlist, Tag-Watchlist, ON SCREENER STUNDE 10min, ON SCREENER TAG Stunde, ON SCREENER WOCHE Tag including indicators. You can pull up these preset indicators to carry out analyses for all asset classes and markets.
The following components are available in the ON GWL+Sig-template (the further Template„ON GWL“ is not including the signal size):
Trading Chart
GWL+SIG: Display of signal size and GWL
PHASE: Display of trend direction, -phases & depth of correction
Relevant upper chart
SIG: Display of signal size
Buy/Sell onmove: Initial- and HardTrail-Stop = ONBewegungsstop
Buy/Sell ONP3: Initial- and HardTrail-Stop = ONP3Stop
Buy/Sell ONP3 (Fake): s. a.*
Buy/Sell ONP3 (Fake & Close / Tolerance): s. a.*
Buy/Sell ONP3 (Fake & Tolerance): s. a.*
Following Options only for User of the Add-In “Professional Unsharpness”
Fake - GWL+SIG+Faketrends
Close+Tol - GWL+SIG+Faketrends+Min(Close v Tolerance)
Tol - GWL+SIG+Faketrends+Tolerance
MP-Fake – PHASES+Faketrends
MP-Close+Tol – PHASES+Faketrends+Min(Close v Tolerance)
MP-Tol – PHASES+Faketrends+Tolerance
1.3 Scanner-Templates with useful information
Available templates are divided in three groups:
TAG Stunde
STUNDE 10min
2.1 ON123Pro This indicator is the core of the ON-Addon, that can display the high performing trend detection of the signal size as well the GWL. Herein you find the specialty of the ON-Addon – you only need one timeframe to automatically display both corresponding trend sizes of signal size and GWL. That is saving PC-resources, accelerates screenings and reduces sources of error – as e. g. the skipping of trend sizes. Please pay attention to the therefore firmly mapped assignment of signal sizes and GWL in the ON-Addon, compliant with the classic four trend sizes of Market Technical Trading:
Trend size
Signal size
< 5 Minutes
10 Minutes
>= 5 Minutes
The following options are available for the ON123Pro:
Show 123s: Display P1-P3
ShowTradingZone: Display TradingZone
DrawLines: Display trend lines
ShowToleranceZone*:Display ToleranceZone
ShowFakeTrends*: Display & Consideration of Faketrends
UpTrend color: Color trend lines uptrend
DownTrend color: Color trend lines downtrend
NoTrend color: Color trend lines no trend
History Color Uptrend: Color historical trend lines uptrend
History Color Downtrend: Color historical trend lines downtrend
History Color NoTrend: Color historical trend lines no trend
History Color Faketrends*: Color historical trend lines Faketrends
Text color: Color P1-P3
Schriftgroesse: Font size P1-P3
Linienstaerke: Thickness trend lines
Linienart: Style trend lines
Lineart Faketrends*: Style trend lines Faketrends
BlinkType: Choice of BlinkType during interesting chart constellations and possible entries directly in the chart
TradingZoneTransparency: Transparency TradingZone
ToleranceZoneTransparency*: Transparency ToleranceZone
HistoryMode: Choice of displaying invalid historical trend lines
GwlBoxes (only @Grosswetterlage)
ShowGwlBars: Display GWL-timeframe & -direction in the form of boxes
UpColor: Color during uptrend
DownColor: Color during downtrend
HistoryColor: Color during invalid historical trends
Transparency: Transparency boxes
GwlPeriode (only @Grosswetterlage and solely for visualization within charts)
Day: Assignment of aGWL
Hour: Assignment of aGWL
>=5 Minutes: Assignment of a GWL
<5 Minutes: Assignment of a GWL
Seconds: Assignment of aGWL
Ticks: Assignment of a GWL
The following parameters are available for the ON123Pro:
OutputTimeFrame: Choice of Trendsize
Placeholder UNSCHÄRFE SIG:
Trendbreak on Close*: Activation Unsharpness: Trendbreak only @Close
Faketrend Filter*: Aktivation Unsharpness: Faketrends
Tolerance Factor*: Aktivation Unsharpness: Tolerance (0-2x)
Trigger all selected filter*: Activation Unsharpness: AND correlation Unsharpnessn
Placeholder UNSCHÄRFE GWL:
Trendbreak on Close*: Aktiviation Unsharpness: Trendbreak only @Close
Faketrend Filter*: AktivationUnsharpness: Faketrends
Tolerance Factor*: Aktiviation Unsharpness: Tolerance (0-2x)
Trigger all selected filter*: Activation Unsharpness: AND correlation Unsharpnessn
Figure 2 – ON123Pro Indicator
2.2 ONMarketPhasesPro
This indicator displays the current trend directions & -phases as well as the respective depth of correction of signal size and GWL, including graphical illustration of the phases.
The following parameters are available for the ONMarketPhasesPro
OutputTimeFrame: Choice of Trendsize
Placeholder UNSCHÄRFE SIG:
Trendbreak on Close*: Aktiviation Unsharpness: Trendbreak only @Close
Faketrend Filter*: Aktivation Unsharpness: Faketrends
Tolerance Factor*: Aktivation Unsharpness: Tolerance (0-2x)
Trigger all selected filter*: Aktivation Unsharpness: AND correlation Unsharp.
Placeholder UNSCHÄRFE GWL:
Trendbreak on Close*: Aktiviation Unsharpness: Trendbreak only @Close
Faketrend Filter*: AktivationUnsharpness: Faketrends
Tolerance Factor*: Aktiviation Unsharpness: Tolerance (0-2x)
Trigger all selected filter*: Aktivation Unsharpness: AND correlation Unsharpness
Explanation of the different Phases of the ON123MarketPhasesPro:
Phase 1: Undefined Trend
Phase 2: Arising Trend
Phase 3: Trend beyond P2
Phase 4: Trend in Correction
Phase 5: Trend in Correction, but in P2-Direction
5.0: No deep Correction
5.1: Deep Correction
5.2: Prom Queen (Trends in GWL & Sig): No deep Correction
5.3: Prom Queen (Trends in GWL & Sig): Deep Correction
Phase 6: Trend in Correction, but in P2-Direction & just before P2-Breakthrough
Phase 7: Trend beyond P2 (min. 2 P3s)
Phase 8: Broken Trend
Phase 9: Trendreversal
Figure 3 – ONMarketPhasesPro Indicator
2.3 InsideBarsON This indicator visualizes present inside bars.
The following parameters are available for the InsideBarsON:
Tolerance unit: Choice of tolerance unit
Tolerance value: Choice of tolerance value
Visual Parameters
Color: Choice of background color of inside bars
Opacity: Choice of opacity of background color
Figure 4 –InsideBarsON Indicator
Scripted Conditions include diverse requirements, which are validated by the PC. Please refer to the recorded descriptions within AgenaTrader for all factored in qualifications per condition.
3.1 Screening-Conditions These conditions serve the market screening process and illustrate at a glance present interesting market situations, which are represented by parallel valid trends in signal size as well GWL (cf. ON-Workspace):
3.2 Trading-Conditions These conditions are used in the Trade-column and signalize definite entries, which are displayed as proposal directly in the chart by a mouse click:
ONDeepReversal: Upper Trend & Signal Trend & Deep Correction & Reversal Bar
ONDeep: Upper Trend & Signal Trend & Deep Correction
ONReversal: Upper Trend & Signal Trend & Reversal Bar
ONEarlyBird: Signal occurs if a P2-breach is imminent
Following conditions do not represent explicit entry-signals, but ReversalBars, which serve within the aforementioned Reversal-conditions:
Setups for the semiautomatic trading are included, which enable you to conduct a proper Market Technical Trading by just one mouse klick. In case of an existing spread that is automatically considered. You can deactivate that functionality or switch to “bid”, respectively “ask” – depending on your data feed. The stop position is changed in real-time, hence on a tick by tick basis.
4.1 Trend trading: The Trading-Conditions (except for the Reversal-condition), as well as the mapped ONP3-Buttons within the Actionbar, use the corresponding P3 as Trailing-Stop with the following configuration:
InitialStop: ONP3Stop_Spread
HardStop: ONP3Stop_Spread
SoftStop: InitialStopOnly
Targets: NoTarget
4.2 Movement trading: The mapped onmove-Buttons within the Actionbar as well as the Reversal-condition use the InsideBars as Trailing-Stop with the following configuration:
InitialStop: ONBewegungsstop_Spread
HardStop: ONBewegungsstop_Spread (InitialStopOnly)
SoftStop: InitialStopOnly (ONBewegungsstop_Spread)
Targets: NoTarget
Last updated